BioAssay 6:3 (2011) | ISSN: 1809-8460 |
José Teles Pontes1, José
C. G. de Oliveira2, Cláudio A. G. da
Câmara2, Carla P. O. de Assis2,
José V. de Oliveira1, Manoel G. C. G.
Júnior1, Reginaldo Barros11 1Área
de Fitossanidade, Departamento de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural
de Pernambuco. Av. Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n, CEP 52171-900, Recife
– Pernambuco / Brazil. Received: 19/VII/2010 Accepted: 09/XII/2010 Published: 29/IV/2011 Efeito de Extratos Etanólicos de Folhas e Ramos de Quatro Espécies do Gênero Croton Sobre Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) RESUMO
- O
ácaro rajado Tetranychus
Koch é uma das principais pragas agrícolas,
importantes culturas como o algodoeiro, videira e tomateiro. Nos
últimos anos,
o estudo de extratos vegetais objetivando o controle alternativo de
tem-se intensificado, tornando-se uma alternativa promissora, atraindo
interesse de um número cada vez mais crescente de
pesquisadores. Este trabalho
teve como objetivo avaliar a efeito residual de extratos
etanólicos a 1% de
folhas e ramos de quatro espécies do gênero Croton
(C. rhamnifolius Kunth,
C. sellowii Baill,
C. jacobinensis
Baillon, C. micans (Baill))
sobre o ácaro rajado T.
urticae. Discos de folhas com os ácaros foram
previamente imersos por cinco
segundos nos extratos. Verificou-se que o extrato das folhas de C.
causou 69% de mortalidade, e que o extrato das folhas de C.
não apresentou toxicidade sobre o ácaro. Os
experimentos revelaram ainda que a
fecundidade dos ácaros foi afetada e que todos
os extratos foram
repelentes na concentração de 1%.
Palavras-chave: ácaro
rajado, acaricidas vegetais, repelência, Croton
The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus
is one of the
principal agricultural pests, infesting important
crops such as cotton,
grapes and tomatoes. In recent years, studies with the objective of
using plant
extracts as an alternative
pest control are being
intensified, showing to be a promising alternative and attracting the
of a growing number of scientists. The present study aimed to evaluate
residual effect of 1% ethanol extracts of leaves and
branches of four
species of the genus Croton (C.
rhamnifolius Kunth,
sellowii Baill,
jacobinensis Baillon,
micans (Baill)) on
the spider mite T. urticae. Leaf
disks with the mites were immersed for five seconds in the extracts. It
be verified that the leaf extract of C. sellowii
caused 69% mortality
and the leaf extract of C. jacobinensis was not toxic to the spider mite. From
the experiments it was concluded
that the fecundity
of the mites was
affected and that the extracts were repellent at a concentration of 1%.
Key-words: two-spotted spider mite, botanical
acaricide, repellence; Croton spp.
uncontrolled use of insecticides in plantations has caused serious
damage to the environment
(Roel 2001). Therefore, many
works are being
done to find natural compounds with insecticidal properties (Oliveira et
al. 1999, Sundaram
al. 1995, Pontes
et al.
2007a, 2007b). In
this context the study of the toxic effects of plant extracts on
mites is interesting (Sundaram et al.
1995, Jones et
al. 1996). The
two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae
Koch is considered
one of the most important agricultural pests, infesting crops including
tomatoes and grapes (Moraes
& Flechtmann 2008). As an alternative for synthetic insecticides,
plant extracts were
heavily investigated in recent years as a source of bioactive
(Barakat et
al. 1986a, 1986b,
Potenza et
al. 1999a, 1999b,
et al. 2007c). Among native
species with
recognised insecticidal potential, those of the genus Croton
outstanding. Species of this genus are common in various biomes of the
state of
Pernambuco, Brazil. Species of Croton are
popularly known as “marmeleiro”
or “velame” and many are used as drugs for the
treatment of hypertension,
ulcers and as anti-inflammatories (Maciel
et al. 2000, Abdel Gadir
et al. 2003, Nardi et al.
2003, Suárez et al.
2003, Guerrero et al. 2004, Lopes e
Lopes et al. 2004). The
search for
insecticidal properties in medicinal plants is growing in the last few
and shows to be a promising alternative (Alexander
al. 1991, Roel
2001, Park et
al. 2002). Croton
Benth and C. linearis
Jacquin have shown medicinal properties (Maciel et al.
2000, Almeida et
al. 2003,
Guerrero et
2004) and from these species secondary
compounds with insecticidal properties were isolated (Kubo
et al. 1991, Alexander et
al. 1991). According
to literature, no works on the acaricidal activity of the species C.
jacobinensis, C. sellowii, C.
rhamnifolius and C. micans
have been published. As
part of a systematic study to evaluate the acaricidal potential of
flora from the
state of Pernambuco, the objective of the present study was to evaluate
activity of ethanolic extracts from branches and leaves of C.
jacobinensis Baillon, C.
sellowii Baill, C. rhamnifolius Kunth
and C.
micans (Baill) on
the spider mite T. urticae. Material and Methods
tests were performed
in Laboratório de Biologia de Insetos of the Universidade
Federal Rural de
Pernambuco (UFRPE) at
temperatures of 25 ± 5ºC, RH of 70 ± 8 %
photophase of 12 h. The mites were obtained from the
Laboratório de Acarologia of
the UFRPE and were maintained on Jack beans (Canavalia
ensiformes L.)
cultivated in greenhouses. The plants were infested after the opening
of the
first pair of dicotiledonary
leaves. The selected
plant species for the study
were C. jacobinensis, C. rhamnifolius C. micans and
C. sellowii.
Leaves and branches of the first three species were collected from an
swamp in Brejo da Madre de Deus, Caruaru – PE/Brazil, while
the last one was
collected in a sandbank at the beach of Gaibú, in Cabo de
Santo Agostinho –
PE/Brazil. Voucher samples of
each collected species
were deposited in the Herbarium Vasconcelos Sobrinho of the UFRPE,
under the
numbers 45553 (C. jacobinensis), 45552 (C.
rhamnifolius), 45209
(C. micans) and 45622 (C. sellowii). Extracts
were prepared at room temperature in the Laboratório
de Produtos Naturais Bioativos of UFRPE. Branches and leaves of the
collected species were dried at room temperature, cut, weighted and
immersed in
a quantity of ethanol enough to cover the plant material for 24 h. This
procedure was repeated three times to ensure good extraction of ethanol
constituents. The system was filtrated and ethanol was evaporated at
pressure in a rotation evaporator to obtain the crude extract. The crude
branch and leaf extracts of the
species were dissolved in ethanol
to obtain a solution at 1 %. Jack bean leaf disks of
2.5 cm in diameter were immersed for 5 s in the solutions and dried at
temperature. Two controls were used: one in which the leaf disk was
immersed in
pure ethanol and the other disk immersed in distilled water. The disks
were then
placed on filter paper upon a polyethylene
foam wetted with water and maintained in plastic wares.
Each treated
disk received 10 adult female
spider mites. After
infestation, observations were done daily for three days. Mites were
as dead when they did not move a distance greater than the length of
own body
after soft contact with a fine haired brush. To evaluate
fecundity, eggs deposited on
the disks during 72 h were counted. This experiment consisted of 10
(two controls and two extracts of each of the four species studied).
treatment was repeated 10 times. The obtained results were submitted to
a variance
analysis and the mean values were compared by Tukey’s test (p
≤ 0.05)
calculated by the program SANEST 3.0. The
repellence tests were performed according
to the method described by Kogan
& Goeden (1970).
bean leaf disks of 4.5 cm in diameter were used. Half of the disk was
for 5 s in an ethanol solution of the extracts at a concentration of 1
% and
after drying at room temperature, the other half was immersed in pure
serving as control. Each half circle was immersed in such a manner that
a free area of 0.3 cm between the two halves, where the mites were
initially released.
The leaf disks were placed on a filter paper disk, upon polyethylene
foam, and the
entire arrangement was placed on a plastic tray containing water. Each
disk was
infested with 10 adult female spider mites and each treatment was
replicated 10
times. Counting the
mites present of each half of the leaf
was done after 24 h. The mites found in the neutral area during the
test were
considered repelled or attracted according to their proximity with the
control or
with the treatment. The repellence index (RI) of the extracts was
according to the equation: RI = 2G/(G + P) proposed by Kogan &
(1970), where G = the number of mites in the treated area and
P = the
number of
mites in the control area. The
confidence interval for classifying the extracts
was obtained based on the RI mean values and the respective standard
(SD). For a mean RI value lower than 1 – SD, the extract is
considered as
repellent, while for a mean RI value of greater than 1 + SD, the
extract is
attractive and for the mean value between 1 – SD and 1 + SD
the extract is
considered as neutral. Results Table 1 shows the results for effects of extract mortality as well as those for fecundity of two-spotted spider mites. The extract from C. sellowii leaves was one of the most toxic in this series for the spider mites, showing a mean mortality of 69 % in a 72 h exposure interval. The least effective extract was that from C. sellowii branches, which resulted in a mean mortality of 6.0 %. The leaf and branch extracts from C. jacobinensis showed 9.0 % and 13.0 % mortality, respectively, and did not differ significantly from the control (p ≤ 0.05). The toxicity of leaf extract from C. jacobinensis (9.0 %), C. micans (45.0 %) and C. rhamnifolius (53.0 %) did not differ significantly from those found for branch extracts (13.0 %, 40.0 % and 60 %, respectively). ![]() These results indicated that fecundity was also affected, where the leaf extract from C. sellowii showed the best results in this series with the smallest mean number of eggs per leaf disk (49.4, see Table 1). The only extract which did not significantly differ from the control was the extract from C. jacobinensis branches. Additionally, there was no difference in the mean number of eggs deposited per mite when submitted to the branch and leaf extracts of C. rhamnifolius (p ≤ 0.05) (118.0 and 160.0/leaf disk, respectively). The same was observed for the C. micans leaf and branch extracts (169.0 and 179.3/leaf disk, respectively). All extracts, independent of the tested species, were repellent at a concentration of 1% (Table 2). ![]() Discussion Differences
the toxicity of branch and leaf
extracts were also observed by Castiglioni et
al (2002) for aqueous extracts from seeds and
branches of Azadirachta
indica A. Juss at 5 %.
is quite common that different plant parts show qualitative and
differences in relation to their chemical constituents (Bernays
& Chapman
1994). The observed difference between the toxicity of
extracts from C.
sellowii leaves and branches suggests the existence of
metabolites present only in leaves or in greater concentrations than in
branches. This hypothesis is supported by the results obtained by
El-Gengaihi et al. (1999), who
investigated the
acaricidal effect of leaves, seeds and roots of Glosostemon
bruguieri (Desf).
They observed that certain
carbohydrates present in leaves are responsible for greater toxicity
and that
these compounds were not detected in the seeds and roots. For
concentrations of 1 %, neem
formulations present toxicity to Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisd.) (Mansour
al. 1986, 1997).
Pure azadirachtin is
also acaricidal against T. urticae (Sundaram
& Sloane 1995).
Acaricidal activity of aqueous extracts
of Allium cepa L.,
sativum L.,
barbatiman Mart. and Solanum melogena L. has already
been observed against T. urticae (Potenza et al.
1999a). Later, the
toxicity of
extracts of Annona sp. (Rodríguez
Hernández 2001), Agave sp.,
Ruta graveolens L. and Dieffenbachia brasiliensis
Veitch against the
same mite was also verified (Potenza
et al.
1999b). A
wide variety of plant species appear to be toxic to T. urticae
in the
extract form (Barakat et al. 1986a,
1986b), as liquid
fractions (El-Gengaihi et
al. 1999, 2000)
and as isolated compounds, such as
colupulone, one of the Humulus
lupulus L. compounds (Jones
et al.
1996) and the alkaloid piperoctadecalidine, extracted from Piper
L. (Park et
al. 2002). Ethanol
extracts from C. jacobinensis, despite showing no
acaricidal activity
and fecundity reduction, are repellent. These results suggest the
existence of
bioactive repellent substances which are not necessarily lethal to
mites. The
plant extracts showing acaricidal performance also showed other
which affect biological aspects of the mites, such as fecundity, or act
on its
behaviour, as a repellent. Mansour
et al.
(1986) observed a reduction of 76 % in the fecundity of T.
cinnabarinus, when submitted to neem extracts. Sundaram
& Sloane (1995)
also reported a fecundity reduction in T.
urticae caused by neem extracts, but also reported
repellence. Commercial
formulations based on neem reduce oviposition of T. urticae (Dimetry et
al. 1993, Mansour et
al. 1997, Momen et
al. 1997) and
some are also repellents
(Momen et
al. 1997, Mansour et al.
1997). Pure azadirachtin reduces
the number of eggs laid by T. urticae
(Martinez-Villar et al. 2005). The
beta-acids and
colupulone compounds were considered as repellents for mites and
reduced their
survival (Jones et al. 1996). Oviposition
reduction may be based on the extract action on mite nutrition (Dimetry
al. 1993, Sundaram & Sloane 1995). When incapable of
feeding on the
leaf, the number of eggs should be reduced as a response to the stress
by the extract. Activity
of plant extracts is also
affected by the type of solvent used in preparation. Aqueous extracts
of neem
do not show an effect on T. cinnabarinus
fecundity while organic extracts are efficient in reduction of
fecundity (Mansour et al.
1986). The use of
ethanol as an organic solvent
for the preparation of Croton extracts did not
interfere with the test
results, as shown in Table 1.
Chagas et al.
(2003) showed that ethanol, when used as a solvent for crude
extract preparation and as a diluent for the test procedure, did not
present toxic
activity against Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), and is versatile to
obtain a variety of plant
extracts with insecticidal and acaricidal activity. Our results confirm
of Chagas et al. (2003) who claimed
that ethanol, when used as a solvent, does not interfere with
biological activity
of plant extracts (Table 1). These
results show that the Croton species
studied have potential to be used in mite control in the form of
extracts. The discovery of acaricidal properties in native plant
species can aid
in future production of safer crops by small farmers, based on
application of
natural acaricides as a control method against phytophagous mites. Acknowledgements The
would like to thank MSc.
Fátima Lucena for identification of the Croton
species and MSc. Rodrigo Leandro
Coitinho for helping with the statistical analyses. We also thank CAPES
for the
master’s scholarship to Wendel
J.T. Pontes and CNPq for its
financial support. References Abdel Gadir, W.S.A., T.O. Onsa, W.E.M. Ali, S.M.A. El-Badwin & S.E.I. Adam. 2003. comparative toxicity of Croton macrostachys, Jatropha curcas and Piper abyssinica seeds in nubian goats. Small Rumin. Res. 48: 61-67. Alexander, I.C., K.O. Pascoe, P. MarchaRd & L.A.D. Williams. 1991. An insecticidal diterpene from Croton linearis. Phytochemistry 30: 1801-1803. Almeida, A.B. de, P.S. Melo, C.A. Hiruma-Lima, J.S. Gracioso, L. Carli, D.S. Nunes, M. Haun & A.R.M. Souza Brito. 2003. Antiulcerogenic effect and cytotoxic activity of semi-synthetic crotonin obtained from Croton cajucara Benth. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 472: 205-212. Barakat,
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